Model Analyses and Guidance
MAG Version Updates

MAG 5.0 - March 2024

New Models, Products, and Areas:

  • Added a new model Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecasting (ATCF) under Tropical Guidance
    • Generated when HFSA-Parent model has a storm
  • Added the following new domain to Global Forecast System (GFS):
    • Pacific (PAC-REGION)
  • Renamed the following products to HREF:
    • pmm_refd_1km → pmm_refd_1km_emsl
    • pmm_refd_max → pmm_refd_max_emsl
  • Added the following products to HREF:
    • Ensemble Agreement Scale probability of 0.01” rain in 1 hour (eas_prob_1h_rain_0.01in)
    • Ensemble Agreement Scale probability of 0.25” rain in 1 hour (eas_prob_1h_rain_0.25in)
    • Ensemble Agreement Scale probability of 0.50” rain in 1 hour (eas_prob_1h_rain_0.50in)
    • Ensemble Agreement Scale probability of 0.01” rain in 3 hours (eas_prob_3h_rain_0.01in)
    • Ensemble Agreement Scale probability of 0.25” rain in 3 hours (eas_prob_3h_rain_0.25in)
    • Ensemble Agreement Scale probability of 0.50” rain in 3 hours (eas_prob_3h_rain_0.50in)
    • Ensemble Agreement Scale probability of 0.1” snow in 1 hour (eas_prob_1h_snow_0.1in)
    • Ensemble Agreement Scale probability of 0.3” snow in 1 hour (eas_prob_1h_snow_0.3in)
    • Ensemble Agreement Scale probability of 0.1” snow in 3 hours (eas_prob_3h_snow_0.1in)
    • Ensemble Agreement Scale probability of 0.3” snow in 3 hours (eas_prob_1h_snow_0.1in)
    • Localized probability matched mean mean precip 1 hour plot (lpmm_mean_precip_p01)
    • Localized probability matched mean mean precip 3 hour plot (lpmm_mean_precip_p03)
    • Localized probability matched mean mean precip total hour plot (lpmm_mean_precip_ptot)
    • prob_lowIFR_IFR
    • pmm_refd_1km
    • pmm_refd_max
  • Added the following products to NAEFS:
    • precip_p06 (only for 0z and 12z cycles)
    • precip_p24 (only for 0z and 12z cycles)
    • precip_ptot (only for 0z and 12z cycles)
    • prob_precip_0.25in (only for 0z and 12z cycles)
    • prob_precip_0.5in (only for 0z and 12z cycles)
    • prob_precip_1in (only for 0z and 12z cycles)
    • 10th_percentile_10m_wnd
    • 50th_percentile_10m_wnd
    • 90th_percentile_10m_wnd
    • extreme_index_10m_wnd
    • 10th_percentile_2m_temp
    • 50th_percentile_2m_temp
    • 90th_percentile_2m_temp
    • extreme_index_2m_temp
    • extreme_index_mslp
  • Added Omega for 700_rh_ht for HRRR

Other updates:

  • Added units to NAEFS and GEFS-MEAN-SPRD product titles
  • Improved temperature/dew point color fill for Fire Weather (FIREWX) and RTMA models
  • Improved HAFS NESTED products by removing unnecessary border whitespace
  • Improved HAFS products by: unifying wind barb color (to black), increasing surface temperature contour from 17𝇈C to 33𝇈C, increasing 500 RH contour intervals
  • Improved grid point display for the 2m_apparent_temp, 2m_dewp_10m_wnd, and 2m_temp_10m_wnd products for the Hawaii and Puerto Rico domains for NBM
  • Fixed scale factor for the mean_snow_total product for HREF
  • Increased image resolutions from 1024x768 to 1280x1024 pixels (excluding SREF-CLUSTER, STORM-TRACKS, SKEWT, UAIR, GFS and NAM Sounding products)
  • Changed display order of HFSA/HFSB on Tropical Guidance web page (so that HFSA is first)

MAG 4.1.0 - June 2023

New Models, Models replaced, New product:

  • In conjunction with the HAFS upgrade, HWRF/HMON models are replaced by HFSA/HFSB models.
    • Models replaced:
      • HWRF-FULL replaced by HFSA-PARENT
      • HWRF-NESTED replaced by HFSA-NESTED
      • HMON-FULL replaced by HFSB-PARENT
      • HMON-NESTED replaced by HFSB-NESTED
    • New product:
      • Added precip_p03 for HFSA/HFSB

MAG 4.0.0 - May 2023

New Models, Products, and Areas:

  • Added a new model Global Ensemble Forecast System Wave (GEFS-WAVE) for the following domains and products:
    • Domains: class="li2">Domains:
      • Africa
      • Alaska
      • Arctic
      • ATL-PAC
      • Atlantic
      • EAST-GOA
      • WEST-GOA
      • EAST-PAC
      • Europe
      • GOM
      • Guam
      • Hawaii
      • India
      • MID-ATL
      • NORTH-PAC
      • PAC-REGION
      • Polar
      • Puerto Rico
      • NE-COAST
      • SE-COAST
      • NORTH-CAL
      • SOUTH-CAL
      • US-SAMOA
      • WA-OR
      • WEST-ATL
    • Products:
      • peak_dir_per
      • sig_wv_ht
      • wsea_wv_ht
      • wsea_dir_per
      • swell1_wv_ht
      • swell1_dir_per
      • swell2_wv_ht
      • swell2_dir_per
      • swell3_wv_ht
      • swell3_dir_per
  • Added the following domains to GFS-WAVE:
    • Africa
    • EAST-GOA
    • WEST-GOA
    • Europe
    • Guam
    • India
    • MID-ATL
    • Polar
    • Puerto Rico
    • US-SAMOA
  • Added the following products to GFS-WAVE:
    • swell3_wv_ht
    • swell3_dir_per
  • Added the following domain to NAM-HIRES:
    • Hawaii
  • Added the following domainis to NBM:
    • Hawaii
    • Alaska
    • Puerto Rico
  • Added the new product precip_rate_type to the following models:
    • GFS
    • NAM
    • HRRR
  • Added 2m_max and 2m_min temperature products for the 00/06 and 12z valid cycles for NBM
  • Added pressure lines to the Accumulated Precipitation (precip_ptot) product

Other updates:

  • Unified color scale between apparent/min/max temperature products for NBM.
  • Added buttons on the UI to go to previous/next cycles.
  • Improved the color fill of the precipitable water (precip_pwat) product for the Fire Weather (FIREWX) model.
  • Updated the Maximum 1-hr 10-m Wind (10m_maxwnd) product’s color fill and wind barbs for FIREWX model.
  • Removed the negative color fill for the Ventilation Rate (vent_rate) product for FIREWX model.
  • Updated color fills for the 850mb Temperature, Wind and Height (850_temp_ht) product for the FIREWX model.
  • Improved the 10m_wnd_2m_temp, 850_temp_mslp_precip, 850_temp_ht, 925_temp_ht Polar products to have temperature contours every 5 degrees Celsius, label every other isotherm, and reduced line width.
  • Improved the 850_temp_mslp_precip product for the Global Forecast System (GFS), North American Mesoscale (NAM), North American Mesoscale - High Resolution (NAM-HIRES), High Resolution Rapid Refresh Analysis & Forecast System (HRRR) models to plot 850 isotherms on top of precipitation.
  • For the Storm-Tracks probability product, use of contour instead of color fill (default) when a processing exception occurs.

MAG 3.21.0 - January 2023


  • In conjunction with the ESTOFS model upgrade, STOFS v1.1.1 model will replace the ESTOFS model.

MAG 3.19.1 - October 2022

User Interface:

  • Fixed broken links in the header and footer
  • Added Google Analytics

MAG 3.19.0 - April 2021

New Models, Products, and Areas:

  • In conjunction with GFS v16-Wave model upgrade, the following new products are added to GFS-WAVE:
    • wsea_wv_ht
    • swell1_wv_ht
    • swell1_dir_per
    • swell2_wv_ht
    • swell2_dir_per
  • Added the following domains to GFS-WAVE:
    • ALASKA
    • HAWAII
    • ARCTIC
    • NE-COAST
    • SE-COAST
    • WA-OR
    • GOM (Gulf of Mexico)
    • SOUTH-CAL (southern California)
    • NORTH-CAL (northern California)
    • PAC-REGION (including regions in the far South Pacific)
  • Added the following domains to GEFS Storm Tracks:
    • CONUS
    • ASIA
    • NORTH-PAC (northern Pacific)
    • Europe
  • Added Probabilistic Storm Tracks for GEFS for the following domains:
    • CONUS
    • ASIA
    • NORTH-PAC (northern Pacific)
    • EUROPE
  • Added prob_cref_40dbz and prob_max_hlcy_75 to HREF model.
  • Added Alaska domain to HRRR model.
  • Added Accumulated Maximum Updraft Helicity (accu_max_updraft_hlcy) to HRRR/NAM-HIRES/HRW-ARW/HRW-ARW2/HRW-FV3/FIREWX models.
  • Added precip type to HREF pmm_refd_max and pmm_refd_1km.
  • Added the NAMER domain to RAP model.
  • Added the model name to titles.
  • Added 1000-500mb thickness field to precipitation products.

Other updates and additions:

  • Renamed WW3 to GFS-WAVE.
  • Unified 2-m temperature and dew point temperature graphics for high-resolution models. Color fills are taking into account seasonal variations in every 5 degrees with light blue color denoting 30F.
  • Increased 4-panel sim_radar_1km_HR forecast hours from F48 to F60.
  • Replaced 4-panel sim_radar RAP with HRRR and extended the forecast hours from F21 to F48.
  • Upgraded HAniS package to improve Pinch/Zoom capability on mobile devices, and to prevent scrolling on OnMouseEnter events.
  • Improved precipitation visualization for SREF so that the precip mean is represented by color fills to be consistent with the rest of models.
  • Improved helicity color fills for all models.
  • Improved G-ESTOFS color fills for wave products.
  • Improved domain names for Observation and Analyses data.
  • Decluttered SREF contour labels for the spread of CAPE and CINS.
  • Decluttered mean sea level contour lines for the GFS polar region.
  • Removed below ground thermal and hydrodynamic fields.
  • Removed positive color fills from CINS.
  • Removed 50 knots isotach labels at the upper levels.
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MAG v5.0       Boulder, CO
Page last modified:March 12 2024 16:48 PM UTC.